Friday, July 11, 2014

Meet Little Baby Teixeira!

We are happy and excited to announce that we are expecting a child come January!
We found out that I was pregnant 3 days after we closed on our house. What timing! Luckily there was no early morning sickness or fatigue, so moving in was a breeze.
HAD to get the digital easy-read test. Lou couldn't see/believe the lines on my First Response.
And then the fun started!
Everyone keeps asking if I get cravings. I haven't. It's more like the opposite, I'm totally repulsed by foods, foods I used to really like. I don't want cake, coffee, anything minty, or spicy. The only meat I really want is chicken. And I'm eating so unhealthy because I'm either exhausted, or so ill that anything I can stomach, I'll take.
That all ended a few weeks ago. I had a nice break around 12 weeks. And then the sickness turned to allergies, sinus infections, and headaches. Good times!
But now I'm in my second trimester and I'm looking forward to it. This is the time they say is the best. Once I can breathe through my nose I'm sure I will enjoy it.

Thumbsucker?! Not for this Ortho-mom. 
As for finding out the gender, I scheduled a 16 week private ultrasound because we can't wait until 20 weeks. When I say we I mean me. So fingers crossed that baby T cooperates and we get to see everything we need to. Lou thinks boy (or wishes) and I think girl. Only because of a dream I had. All of my other symptoms have pointed to boy. We picked names as well, but decided not to share yet. People can be really judgemental and I don't want any ones opinions about what we picked to affect our decision. Hopefully all will be revealed in due time :)

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